Increment<=0 Factor Dependency used to solve critical values Contour Plots Too many terms in effect Only two terms may be checked Go By To From Check two factors, edit grid/scale values. Contour Plot Specification Predicted Value at Solution Critical values outside data range Loss of Accuracy in eigenvectors Couldn't Solve Critical Values. Singular. Effects more than quadratic not allowed Term should be continuous Only linear and quadratic allowed Response: Interaction Profiles Cube Plot Cube plots only supported for 2 to 6 terms Box-Cox Transformations SSE Lambda Cannot do Box-Cox because of negative Y values Cannot do Box-Cox because of no error term Desirability Values must be between 0 and 1 Desirability Specify term value Prediction Profile Screening Fit No Multiple Nominal Y's allowed. Y Values must be in ascending order Screening Fit does not distinguish Random Effects. Posterior Prob that sample is uncontaminated: Posterior Prior Std Err Est Help Go DFE Std Err Scale K Contam Prior Prob Estimate Response: Transformed Parameter Estimates The estimates have the same variance. The estimates have different variances and need scaling. The estimates are not correlated. The estimates are correlated and need a transformation. Not full rank. Cannot do screening. Must be at least 6 parameters Specify Prior Contamination Coef. K, and Click Go Bayes Plot Scaled Estimate Pareto Plot of Scaled Estimates Transformation Transformation of Estimates Correlation Correlation of Estimates Effect Screening Red line is RMSE. Blue line is Lenth's PSE. Normal Plot Normal Quantile Normalized Estimates Lenth PSE Normalized Scaled Original